The Deep Dive programme of the Foundation for Jewish Heritage that Dr Rachel Lichtenstein has expertly coordinated is part of an unprecedented initiative by the European Union to preserve and promote awareness of the hundreds of Jewish cemeteries across seven countries in Eastern Europe being implemented by three consortium partners - the Foundation for Jewish Heritage, the European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, and Centropa.

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These Jewish cemetery sites primarily represent ‘orphaned’ heritage. The communities that they once served were mostly extinguished during the Holocaust. In many places, the Jewish cemetery stands as the last physical evidence of once thriving Jewish life, and the vast majority are today in a parlous state having suffered years of neglect and in instances complete destruction.

Indeed, the very existence of these Jewish communities has become largely marginalised and forgotten, which is why this EU project is of such critical importance. Not only does it address the preservation of cemeteries but it is preservation with a special purpose, to ensure that the Jewish life in towns and cities across Eastern Europe is recalled, understood, commemorated and celebrated.

Rachel’s brief was to work with local partners to develop innovative educational/cultural programmes in one significant cemetery in each of the seven countries. The idea behind this is that they could operate as models, demonstrating how Jewish cemeteries could serve contemporary purposes, drawing attention to local Jewish history in a creative way, and demonstrating how Jewish cemeteries can play a part in today’s society as living cultural heritage.

The Jewish experience inevitably touches upon what is now considered fundamental European values - of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Finding ways to engage with the Jewish legacy in Europe has a special importance for today.

Read the Deep Dive report or download it below.

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